The Threat of Debt: And why are we made to think that carrying this evil is normal.

As many of you know, I consider myself beyond blessed with the family I have in my life. I have an amazing wife and six of the best kids a guy could hope for. Each has found themselves an even better spouse. A few years back, my third oldest, William, was about to marry his perfect match when a cousin of mine asked what he should get them for their wedding. I had no clue. I never do. That is my wife’s department. The conversation soon turned to the book we were both reading, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki. While we were discussing, he got a strange look with a conspiratorial-like grin on his face and then said, “I know what I’m getting them.” He wouldn’t tell me because he was afraid I would learn of the cost and attempt to talk him out of it.

After the wedding, I discovered he signed them up for a…

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