Corn Silk Tea

I’m not one to get into herbal or homeopathic remedies. My wife sure is, though. In fact, whenever I am about to reach for some aspirin or Alka-Seltzer, she tells me to wait and then goes and finds some essential oil I should apply to my left pinky toe… or something like that.

I had a life insurance health exam coming up and was hoping to drop some pounds to try to attain the ever-fleeting preferred status. I knew I was fairly healthy overall and that if anything was going to keep me from attaining this status, it would be my slightly larger than acceptable “physique.” Enter my wife. 

During our corn harvest this year, she began sifting through the discarded remnants of our shucking process, collecting all the corn silk. My immediate reaction was to roll my eyes and chalk it up to one of her other many crazy home remedy plans. Little did I know that when I needed to drop this weight, she had the answer. She had frozen all the corn silk she had harvested, only to come to my rescue now. It turns out corn silk can be used as a healthy diuretic. I figured, why the heck not. It beats starving myself for the next several weeks. Sure enough, my kooky wife was onto something. It worked, I dropped almost ten pounds and achieved my goal. 

But I guess that ain’t all this stuff can do. 

Corn silk tea is an herbal remedy that has been used for thousands of years by the native peoples of the American and Asian continents. The health benefits may surprise you. It has been used for things like urinary tract infections, inflammation, digestion and even sleep disorders. 

And did you know that each silk strand is tied to each kernel? Me neither!

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