How to Write Dialogue


Writing dialogue can seem hard at times- and in reality, it is. Dialogue captures the reader’s attention and helps the reader to understand characters better. But does your dialogue completely show everything you need it to and properly engage the reader?
Dialogue should only be used when the story really needs it. Some writers overuse dialogue and throw in pages of useless conversations. Sometimes, conversations can be summed up, and the reader won’t miss anything. But, if something important is going to be said in a conversation, you will need dialogue. You don’t want to use it too little, or use it too much. 

Your dialogue should do these things: 

Move the plot forward. 
All the dialogue in your story should serve some purpose. If a specific conversation is going to unravel a mystery, put in the conversation. But if your character is just saying ‘hello’ to someone and asking how they’re doing, you can just sum up what happened with a few words instead of throwing in lots of dialogue. 

Help you understand relationships
The dialogue in your story should reveal relationships between characters. If two characters hate each other, the dialogue should show that by the way they speak and their interactions. 

Show information about your character: 
Your dialogue should be able to reveal information about who your character is. Their…

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