Twenty Authors Who Have Influenced Me as a Writer and Reader

If you ask me, any writer worth his or her or their salt as a creator is only as good as the blending of influences that served as the ingredients in the mixing bowl. Take a pinch of each of these key parts and pieces, mix on high, and you will see how I ended up the writer I am. 

So, here they are, the twenty most influential writers who made me who I am and the books they wrote the had the biggest impact on me. 

#20 Christa Faust — She’s the quintessential “Veronica in a world of Betties” and she has a crisp and clear but also violent and kinda dirty style that I love. She’s the encourage to cut loose a bit and let my characters have fun in their less than perfect world where the clay in “feet of clay” can more often be just mud to track in all over the carpet. 

#19 Lawrence Block — I discovered Lawrence through my fascination with Hard Case Crime, and Borderline his me hard. His writing is almost as direct at Carver and Hemingway but with a more direct and to the point narrative that doesn’t hide anything. 

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