A Coin So Thin

A Coin So Thin

The Law of Attraction–always functioning, ever present, one-hundred percent of the time. What we think about, we bring about. Due to it, we’re able to co-create in accordance with the habitual feeling-imbued thoughts with which we resonate and evolve on our paths toward the expression of higher consciousness. With that in mind, let’s examine the title of this post in more detail.

Most of us may be familiar with the custom of tossing a coin to make a determination. It might have played out as follows: A coin is selected and both sides–Heads and Tails–are shownA spokesperson for all involved–perhaps two teams of children–states his/her choice and waits for the coin to be tossed into the air. Then everyone watches. The coin is caught and slapped onto the back of the tosser’s other hand. The covering hand is lifted, revealing the verdict. It’s simple: Heads you win; Tails you lose: The team that called it goes first, or plays from a certain end. How that coin toss applies to the Law of Attraction is found through a saying of mine: You can never slice a coin so thin that it will not have two sides. Please read that again and contemplate the subject. What do I mean?

Based on the circumstances that we witness, it can often be easy to assume that Life is dividing us into categories, in much the same way as the coin toss. On one side, Heads, we may mistakenly believe that only winners are allowed. They will be the rich, the famous, the ones with the great career, great family, and great health. On the other side, Tails, we may mistakenly believe that only losers are found. They will be the poor, the downtrodden, the ones with minimum wage jobs, dysfunctional families, and poor health. In this article, we’re going to challenge that belief through the Principle of Polarity, which is discussed in a book of esoteric teachings entitled The Kybalion.

All of us are quite aware of opposites: Light and dark; up and down; right and left. The Kybalion informs us that both (although apparently opposites) are actually just poles, or extremes, of one thing. In the matter of Hot and Cold, no one can state where hot begins and cold ends, for both are merely differing degrees of the one. So, how does this mystical teaching apply to our lives? It means that if we are experiencing the negative end (or pole) of any situation, we should mentally begin to slide our attitude toward the other pole. This would be accomplished through deliberate and conscious mental effort. Using my example of the coin, we should figuratively toss the coin again–seeking the good that absolutely must be there! If a situation seems unfavourable, toss the coin again!Please contemplate the following: The Head side of the coin cannot exist–literally–without the Tails! In time, as we mature as co-creators, we realize that we (via our thinking) possess both sides of the coin about anything. The coin is always our coin–both sides! Each and every time, we may choose to toss the coin again and discover the good that inherently must exist.

This is not an exercise in trite sayings. This is fact. We are the ones having our life experiences, and we are the ones labeling them. I am not saying that challenging life situations will never occur; for they do. I am saying, however, that in every situation we may toss the coin again (applying The Principle of Polarity) and discover the other side of the coin. On a grander scale, we may come to realize that situations once labeled “bad” were actually blessings in disguise. Through conscious use of our creative abilities, we’ll come to understand that we have always held both sides of the coin; and that we can toss it again whenever we please. We can change ourselves–our attitude, our thinking–and thereby attract to us accordingly. If you’re going through a rough time, perhaps it’s time to toss that coin again and discover the positive side.

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2021 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. May it help you in your spiritual journey. 🙏🙏

Thank You” & “Note to Publishers


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