Mocha Memoirs Press Focus #8: Stephen Brayton

This month I’m following up the previous series (eSpec Books) with a new one — this time the amazing writers of Mocha Memoirs Press. Meet Stephen Brayton! 

What inspires you to write?

The constant desire to keep from being bored.

Well, actually, this is difficult to answer. I’ve been a writer since childhood. As the years have passed, I think of more and more ideas. Some stall out before they get any traction, others bug me until I do something about them. I get that writer’s ‘itch’ that reminds me if I don’t write, then I’m missing out on something wonderful. While I fashion an outline for each story, I keep it fluid. I’m eager to see what creativity comes out as I’m writing. I enjoy the feeling of satisfaction with a completed project.

What are the themes and subjects you tend to revisit in your work?

I’m not sure if rainbows and unicorns are what you’re looking for. (Although I know someone who is writing about unicorns.)

For the Reznik/Campisi stories, I focus on relationships and family history. Night Shadows deals a lot with Campisi’s amnesia about her childhood. The next story in the series will bring Reznik’s ancestors into play.

Another series, featuring a female private investigator, brings in stories that have her involved with children. Usually, protecting them from danger. Also, in that series, I see how low I can bring her before her inner strength rises to help her to victory.

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