Turkey Taco Loaded Tater Tots


1 Pound Ground Turkey Meat

!/3 bag tater tots

Shreded Lettuce

Shreded Cheese

Fresh Cilantro

Taco Seasoning

Bell pepper


Picante Sauce



Saute about 1/4 cup diced onion with about 1/4 diced bell pepper until tender. Set aside and let drain on paper towel. Brown turkey meat, and prepare according to directions on taco seasoning packet. Cook tater tots according to package directions. When done arrange tater tots in single layer on microwave safe plate. Cover tatarr tots with a layer of shredded cheese. spoon taco meat in the center of the shreded lettuce. Next spread 2-3 ounces of cheese over the meat. No add back the onions and peppers. Top with picante sauce. Microwave for 40 seconds or until the cheese is at least sloghtly melted. Sprinkle fresh cilantro leaves on top.

PRO TIP:  For a improved tex-mex flavor and aroma, sprinkle some cumin on the taco meat as it finished cooking.


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