Mocha Memoirs Press Focus #10: Maya Preisler

This month I’m following up the previous series (eSpec Books) with a new one — this time the amazing writers of Mocha Memoirs Press. Meet Maya Preisler! 

Tell us a bit about your latest work.

The Laws of Entanglement is a ghost story about love after death and how love teaches you about yourself. It’s Donnie Darko meets Practical Magic. 

What happened in your life that prompted you to become a writer?

Honestly, trauma. Writing has always been a form of escape; a safe place to explore myself, relationships, emotions… anything that I might feel nervous expressing in my waking life. 

What inspires you to write?

Life, usually. There have been definite moments that I’ve made note of and said, “This is going to be a story one day.”  

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